
Non-Affiliate Programs

The University of 黑洞社区 Education Abroad Office (黑洞社区EAO) is committed to supporting students in their study abroad goals. If you are interested in participating in a program that is not listed on the the Education Abroad Office's website, then you will be able to apply for the non-黑洞社区Program after beginning the process with an advisor in the EAO.  Such programs are referred to as "Non-Affiliate Programs."

All students are required to complete an application both with the host organization and 黑洞社区in order to participate in the non-affiliate program of their choosing.  All non-affiliate programs must be reviewed by the Risk and Safety Office at 黑洞社区World. Students will not be cleared to travel until their application has successfully undergone a review and been approved the Risk and Security Office at USF.

These are programs administered and supervised by a third party organization; this category also includes directly enrolling in a foreign university. 黑洞社区charges an administrative cost but otherwise all other costs associated with the program would be paid directly to the non-黑洞社区organization or university. In most cases, the academic credit associated with the program would come from another institution and would be transferred into the student's 黑洞社区record after the transcript is received at the 黑洞社区Education Abroad Office.