Health Topics

Time Management

Time Management

There will be times throughout your college years when you have more things to do than hours in which to do them. Making sure you are practicing good time management skills will enable you to not only get through your task list, but also to make sure you are getting enough time to take care of yourself. Plan ahead and don鈥檛 forget to build in time for meals, socializing and alone time.

Stress Management

Stress is a regular part of life that will never go away. The key is to learn how manage your stress so that it remains a positive force in your life, instead of a negative one. A wellness approach to stress management can help you prevent stress from becoming overwhelming & debilitating.

Goal Setting

Chances are, you have set goals at some point in your life. But have you always achieved your goals? Next time, consider making SMART goals. Check out the links to the right to help you set and accomplish the goals you have.