Resident Assistant (RA) & Community Manager (CM)

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question remains unanswered after reviewing the content below and the other pages about this selection process, including the selection timeline, don鈥檛 hesitate to write to A member of the Student Staff Selection Committee will respond to your email within approximately seven business days.

The responses to frequently asked questions reference the 2023-24 RA Agreement and 2023-24 CM Agreement. Please note that the 2024-25 Resident Assistant (RA) Agreement and 2024-25 Community Manager (CM) Agreement will change. However, the 2023-24 RA/CM Agreements provide candidate valuable insights into these positions.


What is the minimum GPA needed to advance in the selection process for new 2024-25 Resident Assistants (RAs) and Community Managers (CMs)?

Enter toggled content here.

To advance in the selection process, new applicants must earn at least a 2.75 cumulative and term GPA at the conclusion of Fall 2023.

Note: To advance as a finalist and participate in a Workshop Week Session, you must also meet other minimum requirements as outlined in the application and this website.

Are informational sessions required to persist as a new 2024-25 RA and/or CM candidate?

Yes! Full participation in the asynchronous informational session and the associated quizzes are mandatory. To access this content, enroll in the associated Canvas course . This informational session is divided into different modules. Each module concludes with a knowledge check, also known as a quiz. To remain eligible for a position, candidates must complete all modules and earn a 100% on all knowledge checks. We strongly recommend completing this informational session prior to submitting your application as it will provide useful insights to inform your application!  However, technically, this needs to be completed by Monday, November 27, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.

What happens during the Optional Question & Answer Sessions in November and January?

During these optional sessions, candidates benefit from the opportunity to connect online with members of the Student Staff Selection Committee and current RAs/CMs to ask questions about the positions and discuss strategies for success during the selection process.

These sessions will occur via Microsoft Teams and the link will be shared in the

How many points are the short answer questions worth? How many points is the Workshop Week worth? How many new RAs and CMs will you hire?

This selection process is not about numbers or competition. It鈥檚 an opportunity for candidates to learn valuable skills while putting their best foot forward. This is why the Student Staff Selection Committee hosts several different initiatives to support candidates. This support includes an on-demand informational session, question and answer sessions, Canvas, this website, etc.

Furthermore, the points needed to advance as a finalist or secure a position will fluctuate depending on the number of applicants we receive that meet minimum qualifications.

Because of the reasons above, we don鈥檛 share details about the number of points allocated to the different components of the selection process. Points are relative depending on the size and quality of the applicant pool.

Finally, we don鈥檛 know how many new RAs and CMs we will hire. This number depends on the number of eligible, qualified returning RAs and CMs that apply to return to their positions. This number also depends on occupancy during the 2024-25 academic year. 

What if I am not available to participate in any of the Workshop Week Sessions in January? Will there be an alternate Workshop Week Session for those unavailable on these days?

Unfortunately, we don鈥檛 offer an alternate Workshop Week Session for any reason, including illness, study abroad, a significant life event, etc. Therefore, if you are unable to attend a Workshop Week Session, you will be disqualified from this selection process.

 Justification for this is important: Maintaining the integrity of this search process is critical. In light of the fact that we don鈥檛 host traditional interviews for new RA or CM applicants, interaction with other candidates and multiple staff members within Residential Education is a critical part of a Workshop Week Session. Therefore, it is not possible to consistently recreate the selection process for a few candidates.

I鈥檓 experiencing technological difficulties accessing the 2024-25 New Resident Assistant and Community Manager Application via the Housing Portal. What are my next steps?

Within 24 hours of experiencing this technological difficulty, email with details about the situation, including a screenshot of the error message you receive. Please ensure that this screenshot includes the date and time of this experienced technological difficulty on the screen. This way, we are able to verify that this error occurred prior to the application deadline of Sunday, November 26, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. If the date and time of your technical difficulty is not clearly displayed in your screenshot, we will not be able to verify that the error occurred before the deadline and therefore will not accept your application.

No late applications will be accepted for any reason, unless a candidate provides clear documentation of a technological difficulty prior to the application deadline.

If I preference one or more Living Learning Communities (LLCs), am I also eligible for an RA position outside of an LLC?

Yes! When you apply for an LLC RA position, you remain eligible for an RA position that supports non-LLC students. If you indicate that you are also applying for a CM position on your application, you are also eligible for a CM position, as long as you are a member of a fraternity or sorority that resides in Greek Village.

Am I able to preference more than three Living Learning Communities (LLCs) in my 2024-25 RA/CM Application?

No, you are not able to preference more than three LLCs in your application. Why? We want candidates to strategically select LLCs that align with their field of study, interests, or future career goals. It is essential that an RA feels connected to the LLC they support in order to maximize the learning that occurs in this specialized community. Therefore, we limit the number of LLCs a candidate is able to preference to ensure that they thoughtfully reflect on these choices.

What happens during a Workshop Week Session?

A Workshop Week session is Residential Education鈥檚 version of an interview. It is the final step of the selection process.

During a Workshop Week Session, you will facilitate one to three different activities that RAs and CMs implement in their daily work to support student success. More information will about what to expect during Workshop Week sessions be available in January 2024 via Canvas. Additionally, we encourage you attend the optional question and answer session about Workshop Week in mid-January 2024. A link to join this Q&A can be found on the

If you advance as a finalist and are therefore invited to a Workshop Weekend Session, this is a mandatory part of the selection process. As part of this invitation, we will provide resources to support you during this experience. However, we will not share every detail of the process as we also want to assess your ability to navigate ambiguity.

What if I am not available on the date of 2024-25 Residential Education Student Staff Kickoff. Will I be disqualified from the process because of this?

If you are offered a RA or CM position for the 2024-25 academic year, you are expected to attend the 2024-25 Residential Education Student Staff Kickoff. However, exceptions to this expectation are approved on a case-by-case basis because of extenuating circumstances only. If you are offered a position for the next academic year, you will receive more information about this event in March 2024.

The Position 

What is the difference between an RA and a CM?

RAs live within traditional, suite, and apartment residential communities. Some RAs also support LLCs, which carry different responsibilities. Please review Section V of the 2023-24 RA Agreement for more information about the role of an LLC RA. RAs are given a partial meal plan as another tool to connect with residents outside of the residence halls.

CMs live in the Greek Village and are traditionally affiliated with the fraternity or sorority that occupies the house. CMs play an important role in managing the occupancy of their house in collaboration with the Greek Village Residence Life Coordinator (RLC). Please review Section V of the 2023-24 CM Agreement for more information about this expectation. The Greek Village community is open year-round, which means CMs are expected to serve in an on-call capacity during university holidays and break periods.

All RAs and CMs support student success via implementation of the residential curriculum and by holding students accountable to university policies and procedures.

For more information about specifics, please review the 2023-24 RA Agreement and/or 2023-24 CM Agreement. Note: these documents will change for the 2024-2025 academic year. 

How are RAs and CMs compensated for their work?

In Residential Education, RAs and CMs are given the tools to be successful in their respective positions.

Living on campus is a condition of the RA and CM positions. Resultantly, RAs and CMs are assigned a rent-free room, which RAs and CMs must agree to live in as a condition of employment.

Can this affect my financial aid or scholarship award? How?

If hired as an RA or CM, either position may impact your financial aid or scholarship award(s). Since every person鈥檚 situation is different, the Student Staff Selection Committee encourages candidates to contact Financial Aid Services at (813) 974-4700 to understand the position鈥檚 impact on their award before applying for the position and/or before accepting the position.

What are the dates for mandatory training during the 2024-25 academic year?

2024-25 RAs and CMs are required to attend and fully participate in the Fall 2024 Student Staff Leadership Institute (Training) and Spring 2025 Rejuvenation (Training).

The Fall 2024 Student Staff Leadership Institute is anticipated to begin on August 10, 2024 and continue through August 25, 2024. Spring 2025 Rejuvenation is anticipated to begin in January 2025, six or seven days before the start of the semester.

RAs and CMs are expected to hold the entirety of these training days and evenings for training and/or opening responsibilities. Exceptions to this expectation are not made for academic reasons, study abroad experiences, other employment opportunities, internships, other leadership opportunities, etc.

Can I hold an internship while serving as a 2024-25 RA or CM?

It depends! RAs and CMs can鈥檛 hold internships that interfere with their capacity to complete the responsibilities associated with the RA or CM position. RAs and CMs are unable to hold intensive internships.

An internship cannot interfere with the Fall 2024 Student Staff Leadership Institute (Training) or Spring 2025 Rejuvenation (Training) in any capacity. Internships also can鈥檛 interfere with opening, closing, implementation of the residential curriculum, student support, weekly meetings, on-call responsibilities, and other job responsibilities.

If hired, you will sign a 2024-25 RA/CM Agreement. In this agreement, outside commitments are defined as research assistantships, internships, extracurricular involvement, student organizations, practicum experiences, paid employment, etc. Outside involvement is limited to no more than twelve (12) hours per week, with no more than nine (9) hours of paid employment per week outside of the RA or CM position.

International students are typically unable to hold additional on-campus employment appointments, but are encouraged to consult their visa for more information. Outside commitments must be approved by a RA鈥檚 supervisor or CM鈥檚 supervisor prior to the start of these commitments and this supervisor approval may change throughout the academic year.