ETD Process Requirements

ETD Processing Fees

Description Fee
ETD submitted at least 2 weeks before the deadline $75.00
ETD submitted within 2 weeks of the deadline $100.00
Additional Fee: For ETD requiring more than 4 reviews and/or more than 20 comments $25.00

About Processing Fees

All students who complete the ETD submission process are charged an ETD processing fee. This fee supports the workshops, help sessions, and staff hours to review each submission.

Fees will be assessed after the ETD has been approved (usually at the end of the semester) and will appear in Student Self-Service (formerly OASIS) as a Graduate Manuscript Processing Fee (GMPF). Final transcripts and/or the diploma will not be released until all fees are paid.

NOTE: Fees will be assessed only to students who have completed the entire submission process.

Save Money on the ETD Process

  • ETDs submitted 2+ weeks prior to the deadline receive a discount. In order to receive this discount, you must have completed all ETD steps by completely submitting all paperwork as well as your ETD Document submission to ProQuest.
  • Attending the ETD Workshop and being knowledgeable of how to best fulfill the requirements improves an ETD's chances of approval with minimal edits.
  • Submissions that require more than 20 comments and/or more than four (4) reviews will accrue an additional processing fee because of the additional time needed to review the ETD.