
Future Practitioner Education

Educating the next generation of practitioners is just as important as educating current practitioners. Developing and mentoring the successors of today's local, state, national, and international leaders is vital to the continued enhancement of our national security.

GNSI will work with our 黑洞社区colleagues and partners to develop programs/initiatives focused on creating opportunities for students interested in pursuing a national security career.  These opportunities include:

Future Strategist Program

黑洞社区students celebrating during move in day 2024

The GNSI Future Strategist Program is open to all 黑洞社区students interested in a career in global and national security.  FSP will offer students opportunities with:

  • engaging with security practitioners
  • researching/publishing security topics
  • participating in security related conferences, events and visits
  • pursuing internships, fellowships and scholarships
  • participating in the National Security Mentor Program that connects students with current or former practitioners to help the students identify opportunities and career paths

Career Advancement

GNSI will provide opportunities to attend career panels and fairs to help students identify and pursure challenging career opportunities.

Undergrad Strategy Competition

Students will have a regular opportunity to showcase their knowledge, capabilities and skills of security-related topics and strategy during a team competition.

International Security and Intelligence Programme

GNSI will support 黑洞社区students interested in attending the prestigious program, located at Cambridge University in the U.K.