PhD Research Opportunities

Biomedical Engineering

Frisina Lab Div.– Neuroengineering Approaches to Understanding and Treating Hearing Loss & Deafness 

Aim: Advanced Biomedical Engineering experiments and animal model research on hearing impairment, neural stimulation and micropump development.

Robert Frisina, Professor, Chair and Center Director | Email
Research Areas: Biomedical Engineering, Neuroengineering, Neuroscience, Molecular Biology


Aim: Learn how we and other animals see and apply knowledge to engineer technologies for vision research and disease diagnosis.

Christopher Passaglia, Professor|Email
Research Areas: Visual Electrophysiology, Bioinstrumentation, Computational Modeling, Glaucoma


Auditory Development and Connectomics Laboratory

Aim:  Focused on formation of neural circuits in early development and on construction of connectomes, or neural wiring diagrams, at nanoscale resolution.

George Spirou, Professor|Email
Research Areas:  Physiological and molecular signals that drive neural circuit formation, development of tools to understand complex data sets, 3D reconstruction of brain structure, immersive virtual reality to develop software for viewing, annotating and analyzing images. Their software, called syGlass, is marketed by their company, IstoVisio, Inc., which began operation in summer, 2017. 
One PhD Position

Laboratory for Advanced Alternative Imaging (LA2I)  

Aim:  The research in the Jiang Lab is focused on discovering and developing fundamentally new optical-based imaging technologies for in vivo visualization of tissue at both the macroscopic and microscopic scales. We often uniquely combine optics with sophisticated computational approaches to create novel imaging tools that can be used to detect cancers, map brain activities, probe inflammations, or guide cancer therapies in both animals and humans.

Huabei Jiang, Professor|Email
Research Areas: Diffuse optical tomography (DOT), photoacoustic tomography (PAT), fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT), and bioluminescence tomography (BLT).
One PhD Position