
Neuro-engineering & Rehabilitation Engineering

Computational modeling, preclinical and clinical evaluation of neural networks and systems. Includes research related to sensory organs with respect to function and repair, with emphasis upon vision, hearing, aging, prosthetics and biomechanics.

Department research faculty

Dr. Robert Frisina

Robert Frisina, Ph.D
Medical Engineering

Christopher Passaglia

Christopher Passaglia, Ph.D
Medical Engineering

George Spirou

George Spirou, Ph.D
Medical Engineering

Huabei Jiang

Huabei Jiang, Ph.D
Medical Engineering

Babak N. Safa

Babak N. Safa, PhD
Assistant Professor

Affiliated Research Faculty

Venkat Bhethanabotla

Venkat Bhethanabotla, Ph.D.

Stephanie Carey

Stephanie Carey, Ph.D.
Mechanical Engineering

Rajiv Dubey

Rajiv Dubey, Ph.D.
Mechanical Engineering

William Lee

William Lee III, Ph.D.

Sr. Stephen Saddow

Stephen Saddow, Ph.D.
Electrical Engineering

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Joseph Walton, Ph.D.
Communication Sciences & Disorders

Timothy Fawcett

Timothy Fawcett, Ph.D.
Information Technology

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Radouil Tzekov, Ph.D.