2022 E-Insights Report

Key Insights on Racial Equity and Inclusive Growth

The analysis paints a rosy picture of the Tampa Bay region鈥檚 performance along the lines of inclusive growth. Income inequality in the Tampa Bay region has declined since 2017. The Tampa Bay region鈥檚 competitive position in terms of income inequality has been improving significantly in recent years. The Tampa Bay region stands in the ninth position in terms of relative economic mobility.

The economic indicators reflect a declining racial gap in terms of the Black-White unemployment rate gap and the Black-White poverty rate gap over the years for all the MSAs, including the Tampa Bay MSA. In terms of the Black-White unemployment rate gap, the Tampa Bay MSA has been in the middle of the pack over the years. In terms of the Black-White poverty rate gap, the Tampa Bay MSA has consistently been in the lower half of the comparison MSA groups.