
Courses in Food Sovereignty

a group of students touring a local farm among rows of potted plants and herbs

REL4108 Religion and Food

  • Credit(s): 3
  • Course Attribute(s): GCPC - Global Citizens Project Course
  • This course applies categories in the academic study of religion (symbol, ritual, the divine, the sacred/profane, ethics, etc.) to food and religion. Explores how religion relates to food鈥搃n its production, distribution and consumption dimensions.

REL2166 Introduction to Religion and Ecology

  • Credit(s): 3
  • Course Attribute(s): HHCP - Human Historical Context & Process, CAHU - Humanities
  • This course introduces students to the academic study of religion with a focus on the relationship between religion and ecology, and the developing subfield of Religious Studies concerned with this relationship.

REL3192 Agrarianism and the Sacred

  • Credit(s): 3
  • Course Attribute(s): TGEH - High Impact Practice
  • This course exposes students to agrarianism through the lens of Religious Studies in the context of culture, history, foundational beliefs, current forms and expressions, and how agrarian ideals may be put into practice in contemporary culture.

REL4936 Selected Topics

  • Credit(s): 1-3
    • Individual investigations with faculty supervision.
  • Restriction(s): Junior Standing
  • Previous courses included:
    • Religion and the Global Food System
    • Religion and Foodways in American Cultural History