Sponsored Research

Research CCHIP #027


Procedure for Institutional Letters of Support


To establish a procedure to streamline the process for preparing, acquiring and submitting institutional Letters of Support that require approval and/or signature of university leadership, when grants, or other contracts and awards require such an institutional letter of support.


Letter of Institutional Support 鈥 for the purpose of this CCHIP, an 鈥淚nstitutional Letter of Support鈥 is a letter of support required to be included by a faculty member when submitting a proposal/application, that requires approval and/or signature by university leadership. Such a letter may include template language provided by the granting agency that is required to be included in the letter.


This CCHIP establishes a procedure for securing approval and/or signature, as required.


For grants and contracts, or other research awards that require an Institutional Letter of Support (or similar document) from university leadership, it is generally acceptable for the College Dean or equivalent senior leadership to prepare and sign the letter of support, and no review or coordination with Sponsored Research or the Office of Research & Innovation is required.

In the event that the application or sponsor requires signature by university executive leadership, the Vice President of Research will sign the letter of support, or coordinate with the President, Provost, or other required signatory if necessary.

If the signature of the VP for Research, President, Provost, or other executive leadership outside of the respective college or unit is required, the faculty member submitting the grant/award proposal/application should contact their assigned Sponsored Research Administrator as early in the application process as possible.

At least six weeks prior to the deadline:

    • The faculty member will provide the assigned Sponsored Research Administrator with the details and requirements for the Institutional Letter of Support, any template language required, format requirements, etc.
    • The faculty member will also provide draft text to include in the letter relating to any required description of their project or their research experience, etc.
    • The assigned Sponsored Research Administrator will contact the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation to acquire the signature, or to facilitate the request for the letter to the appropriate office for signature.
    • The Office of the Vice President for Research will send the completed and signed letter to the assigned Sponsored Research Administrator and/or any additional recipients if required by the agency, to continue facilitating the submission process.

Please address your questions regarding this CCHIP to your assigned Sponsored Research Administrator.


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This CCHIP is efective as of the date of revision and rescinds all previous versions pertaining to the Procedure for Institutional Letters of Support.

ISSUED:  August 3, 2022
LAST REVISION: October 27, 2023