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(Explain) 8. How does doubling the force affect the ships acceleration (be specific)? 9. For the first 2 seconds, make the object move at a constant speed in one direction. If you applied a force in the same direction, what happens to the ship after the first 2 seconds? 10. If you wanted the opposite to happen (meaning the ship slows down after 2 s), what would you need to do? Run the experiment and describe the results below: 11. What can you say is the relationship between the direction of the net force and the direction of motion? 12. What is the direction of the net force directly related to? What is our model? Testing Our Model: 13. Task: Your spaceship must speed up from 1 s to 2 s and then slow down from 2 s to 3 s. Is this possible and if so how do you make it happen? 14. For the first 3 seconds, exert a force in one direction (either x, y or z). In the next 3 seconds exert a force in one of the other directions of the same magnitude. Hit play and describe what you observe. Use the graphs to help you out with your description. 15. Does this observation violate our model? Explain why or why not. Applications: 16. Where can you relate this activity to everyday life? 17. What was the most surprising thing you learned from this lab?     Augmented Reality Motion & Force Lab )*JK`ab< j o q r t 8 V W X     " ) * , 1 ? A U e  þкöвöîöþh. h.hINhI `hOCh5>*h _h %hINhh h *;h * h\;h\hahh\CJ hINCJ h\CJhghIN5>*CJhghIN>*CJ9*Kbk m o q &gdIN &dgda &gdagd * &dgd * &dgd\ &gd\gd\gdIN * + , - . / 0 1 3 5 7 &dgd &dgd &gd &dgd * &gd * &dgd * &dgdIN 8 9 : ; = ? 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