
Madison Pollino

Assistant Professor of Instruction & Director of Public Speaking


contact information

Office: CIS 3044
(813) 974-6098


As a critical interpersonal communication scholar, my research and teaching seek to transform campus communities into welcoming spaces where students, faculty, and staff of all genders, identities, races, cultures, and/or socioeconomic statuses feel empowered and are not confined by discriminatory systems and structures that privilege dominant social groups. I have two major lines of research situated under this umbrella. The first centers on understanding and responding to violence against marginalized individuals, groups, and/or communities within the institution of higher education. To achieve excellence in teaching and meet the needs of my students, my second line of research focuses on critical communication pedagogy. Through work, I strive to develop and implement inclusive practices both in classrooms and across campus relative to pedagogies, policies, and procedures. 

recent publications

Pollino, M. A., Stafford, L., & Scott, A. M. (2023). Counter-Hegemonic narratives of white weddings: Brides' responses to wedding disruptions during the covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

Pollino, M. A. (2023). Media Framing of the Christine Blasey Ford testimony: The influence of gossip on sexual violence discourses. In A. McDonnell & A. Silver (Eds.), A gossip politic. Palgrave Macmillan.

Faulkner, S. L., Watson, W. K., Pollino, M. A, & Reese, J. (2022). Poetic portraiture as critical arts-based pedagogy and methodology: Older women鈥檚 relationships through the lifecourse. Qualitative Inquiry, 0(0), 1-11. 

Faulkner, S. L., Watson, W. K., Pollino, M. A, & Shetterly, J. R. (2020). "Treat me like a person,rather than another number": University student perceptions of inclusive classroom practices.Communication Education,70(1), 92-111.

Pollino, M. A. (2020). (Mis)Representations of sexual violence: The Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testimonies. Critical Studies in Media Communication 37(1), 71-84.  

research areas

Critical Communication Pedagogy, Interpersonal Communication, Social Support

research clusters

Interpersonal and Relational Communication, Organizational Communication, Media, Culture, and Performance