

Preparation is essential: Determine in advance the nearest exit from your work location and the route you shall follow to reach that exit in an emergency. Emergency evacuation signage is posted in buildings. Building occupants should become familiar with evacuation routes that do not require elevator access and assembly points outside of the building . Establish an alternate route to be used in the event your route is blocked or unsafe.

Never assume that an alarm is a drill - treat all alarm activations as actual emergencies.

During an evacuation:

  1. Exit the building as soon as possible via the nearest exit.
  2. Do not use elevators to exit the building during an evacuation as they may become inoperable.
  3. Walk, do not run. Don鈥檛 push or crowd.
  4. If unable to evacuate due to a disability, shelter in the area of rescue/refuge, typically a stairwell landing, and wait for assistance from emergency responders.
  5. Keep noise to a minimum so you can hear emergency instructions.
  6. Use handrails in stairwells; stay to the right.
  7. Follow instructions from emergency personnel.
  8. Move quickly away from the building to your assembly point unless otherwise instructed.
  9. If possible, go to a grassy area and keep roadways and walkways clear for emergency vehicles.
  10. Do not return until notified by emergency personnel that it is safe to do so.

Assembly Points

Emergency assembly points are areas of campus that are uphill and upwind from the hazard, away from power lines, falling debris and other hazards where persons can assemble to be accounted for, be provided minor first aid, receive further instructions and obtain information. This is the first place to go until other areas and buildings on campus can be evaluated for safety and possible occupancy.